Although sleek black hair is striking and lovely, it can be challenging to lighten if you want to change up your appearance. If you’re finding yourself in this situation, you’re probably wondering how to lighten dyed black hair.
With the right methods, it is absolutely possible to achieve a paler hair color while lightening black hair may not be a straightforward process.
We’ve provided some advice to help you get started on your hair color journey when you want to change up your midnight shade.
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How to Lighten Dyed Black Hair?
Here are some pointers you can use. Let’s start!
1. Understand How You Should Treat Your Hair.
If you’re trying to figure out how to go from having black hair to blonde, it’s important to know what to anticipate before you even continue reading. I want to emphasize that washing out black hair dye can and will damage your hair. If you have black hair, it will be very difficult to lighten it to platinum white-blonde without experiencing significant problems. This process can and will harm your hair, I’m trying to say.
You owe it to yourself to treat your hair gently. Don’t try this if your hair can’t handle it, and if you have fine hair, it might be a good idea to combine additional conditioning treatments and wait a few weeks before bleaching your hair.
2. Grow Your Hair Out a Little.
Give your hair an extra inch or two of length if you have a sensitive scalp. Both the ingredients in hair dye removal products and treatments for lightening skin can be quite irritating. Those with tough skin and robust hair will have no trouble skipping this step.
Despite this, I still carefully let my hair grow out before lightening darker shades because skipping this step causes my scalp to itch.
3. Purchase Your Supplies.
Before you start, you’ll need to pick up some bleach kits, color removal kits, gloves, and a deep conditioning mask. Using Color Oops is highly advised. for your hair dye remover, simply because it’s seriously strong. Since black hair dye can require multiple passes to remove, it’s frequently best to purchase more than one hair color removal kit.
Almost any drugstore brand of bleach will work. Choosing a complete kit with a gentle formula is frequently preferable. Stronger formulas won’t work well on hair that will become brittle.
4. Use a Color Removal Kit.
You must first use the hair color removal kit on your hair before going ahead and lightening it. I recommend Color Oops!, as was previously mentioned. Use any other brand if you prefer. Hair Dye Remover
This part is fairly simple to complete. Observe the directions on the box. The maximum amount of time recommended by the instructions should be followed when using the color remover. Black hair dye is notoriously difficult to get out!

Check the color of your hair after you’ve rinsed it out to see how dark it is. You might need to wait to dry your hair and use a different color remover kit if it is still very deeply dyed in. You should be aware that color remover on its own won’t completely get rid of the black hair dye, but that’s okay.
You’re actually saving yourself from having to bleach your hair more than is absolutely necessary by taking this action. Contrary to popular belief, bleach is much worse for your hair than dye remover. Therefore, it is the lesser of two bad options.
5. Treat Your Hair With Deep Conditioner.
Applying a deep conditioner to your hair will complete your styling. The health of your hair is still compromised by color removal kits, despite the fact that they are gentler than bleach.
In actuality, almost any chemical that you use on your hair will damage it. Give your hair some nourishment if you want to keep it reasonably healthy. After you’ve finished rinsing out the remover, I advise pausing and giving it a deep conditioning mask. Hask Keratin Protein Deep Conditioner is the product I prefer, but you should try different ones to see which works best for you.
6. Bleach It.
Have you finished letting your hair recover? Wow, using bleach on your hair is the last step in the process of lightening your hair. Splat Hair Bleach is what I typically use because it completes the task quickly. So, take that bleaching kit you purchased and adhere to the directions on the box.
If at all possible—which it will be in most cases—I advise sticking to a single bleach pass. The majority of dyes will adhere to your hair and stay visibly bright with just one simple bleach pass. Give yourself some time (and hair conditioning treatments) if you want to go for a very light blonde look before making another attempt.
7. Know How to Hide Gray Hairs
You might not know how to conceal gray hairs with your new color if you’ve lightened your black hair. Grab a root cover up spray if you’ve noticed gray roots forming so you can temporarily hide them until you can actually touch up your hair color.
Also Check:
How Can I Fade My Dark Dyed Hair Fast?
Use a clarifying shampoo. Select a transparent shampoo over an opaque one. Make sure to thoroughly work the shampoo through your hair, from the roots to the tips. Hair dye is rumored to fade more quickly with Prell.
A tar-containing dandruff shampoo, like True Real or Medicasp, might also be worth a shot.
How to Remove Black Hair Dye Without Damaging?
- Use a clarifying shampoo to clean your hair.
- If you’ve recently dyed your hair, scrub it with dish soap.
- Try a color remover.
- Put baking soda in a paste.
- Blend your own shampoo with vitamin C powder.
- For a skilled service, visit a salon.
How Long Does It Take for Black Hair Dye to Fade Completely?
The black color lasts around 6-8 weeks depending on how frequently you shampoo. Like with semi-permanent color, your hair won’t lighten because there isn’t an alkalizing agent (typically ammonia) to disrupt the natural pigments in your hair.
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On hair that isn’t in the best of health, you can use clarifying shampoo to remove black dye, or you can bleach hair that is healthy enough to go through the bleaching process.
You should choose a light ashy brown dye for your hair if it has some red tones after you remove the black pigments, and a light pearl brown if it has any orange tones.
A deep moisturizing routine should always be followed. Use hydrating masks once a week and coconut oil on your hair during the day. Read our post on how to dye your hair black if you want to learn more about hair dye.
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